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Florida Restaurant Show and Pizza Summit 2024

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Top Level Technology, Leads to Top Level Growth

November 06, 2024
Education Alley - Theater 1179

A.I. has been talked about a lot lately. Every company seems to offer some version of it. But what if there was a company, designed for pizza, that had every option built in, like one you can set and forget? Find out how our company went from Mom and Pop to Franchise!

  • Run your business, Don't let your business Run You!
  • Employee Retention (Shift swapping, Transparent communication, decreased stress)
  • Sales Growth (Upselling tech, automated promise times, email marketing, Text marketing)
  • Decreased labor cost (leave the guess work, intuitive reporting, forecasted sales)
  • Increased ROI (happier customers, happier employees, happier owners)
Jacob Stephens, Owner Operator - Post Game Pizza



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